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At Encounter we are passionate about both international and local missions. We are proud to support these missionaries in their efforts to expand the Kingdom of God!


Nelly Latchman

Nelly's heart is for young adults entering into the world of post-secondary education. She is a Mission Canada campus worker to the students at the University of Windsor. She is using the Red Frogs Support Network as her vehicle of ministry to love, serve, and reach out to students throughout the school year and during times of high stress. Along with her team, she is seeing God’s love being shared, harm being reduced, relationships being built, and good conversations happening on campus. 

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Terry Bone

Over the past thirty years Terry has served in a variety of pastoral roles. During his ten years as Senior Pastor of Lakemount Worship Centre (Niagara Region of Ontario) Terry and his wife Melissa guided the church through a period of spiritual renewal and transformational growth.

In 2003 they transitioned to full time itinerant ministry.  Since then, Terry has worked with leaders in many countries including a restricted access nation in Asia where he oversees a growing discipleship movement.


Jeff Futers

Jeff Futers is an itinerant teacher and minister who travels across Canada, teaching Christians about the importance of the Hebraic roots of Christianity and the importance of standing with Israel in prayer. FCF supports over 70 ministries in Israel who are reaching out to their communities through services such as food and clothing distribution, support for single mothers, and help for Holocaust survivors.  Often people find Christ through the works of these ministries.

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